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MSIA CE Webinar
Wednesday, May 01, 2024, 10:00 AM MST
Category: NCSI Events

MSIA CE Webinar 
TRAUMA – Unlocking the Brain to Heal Itself with Virtual Reality.  With Dr. Gerry Stanley, Senior VP & Chief Medical Officer for Harvard MedTech
May 1, at 10am MDT
As always, MSIA members have access to unlimited seats to this webinar. Non-member seats are $25 each, with very generous discounts for multiple seat purchases.
Sign up by contacting the MSIA office. Advance registration is required and closes April 30.
Diving into new technology as an alternative and supplement to traditional approaches, Dr. Gerry Stanley, Senior VP & Chief Medical Officer for Harvard MedTech, will walk us through trauma.
and its’ impacts. And then, he will take us into the brave new world of virtual reality as a treatment modality.
  • What is Virtual Reality as a Treatment Modality?
  • How Does it Work
  • The Science Behind the Magic of Virtual Reality
  • How Virtual Reality Can be Used as Treatment, and
  • What is the IMPACT – Patient Outcomes, Experience and Financial Savings from current costs

Sign up for TRAUMA – Unlocking the Brain by contacting the MSIA office by email, text or phone.


This MSIA CE Webinar is sponsored by Turner Vocational Resources and The Preferred Medical